Monday, October 15, 2007


When I started this blog, I decided it was going to be a happy, positive place, where I could share good things, pictures, etc. But, I must say here, after over 3 years of watching my husbands continued and progressive suffering with bone pain and as of yet no diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment, and then this summer, my father, suffer from a brain hemorrhage after being put on coumadin, and then 3 months of valiant suffering, ups and downs, but NEVER a complaint, which was such a message from God right there, and then his death on September 21st, I can hold this sweet little baby, and know somehow, life will go on, God is still with me, and there is beauty to behold, now and in the future.


Karen said...

hi carol,
i am so excited that you're blogging! it'll be good to keep up with your family through your pictures and posts. thinking of you and greg today....

Ali said...

That's awesome! ♥♥♥♥♥ ♪♫♪♪♫♪