We have a new little member to our family. Her name is "Rosie". She is spunky, playful, full of kisses, cuddly, and willing to sleep with any member of the family, and she just dies to jump in Greg's lap and try to slurp him with kisses, as if she knows she is here by grace and wants to win over his affections. (He's not yet admitted it, but he already likes her a lot) He thinks she is smart and cute. Weather or not
HE thinks she is worth the trouble, well, eventually I think we will get there. But the main reason Rosie joined our family is to be a companion to Ali, who is part of a long line of animal lovers in the family. Both her grandmother and grandfather on Carol's side of the family, along with all those Aunts and Uncles, and I do believe even Great Grandparents, are animal lovers, especially dogs. She is being a wonderful and responsible pet owner, looking out for Rosie's well being, and not willing to take chances with her health, such as taking her places where you shouldn't take "unvaccinated dogs" (Ali's words). When she was a young puppy she stayed home from several shopping trips to care for the puppy, and looked like a worn out Mommy with a new baby when I got home, but she is devoted. Ali puts the puppy bed in her bed, and gets to cuddle her for a couple of hours until I take Rosie out for her last potty break before bed. Then she sleeps in a crate in Ali's room. (I must confess, tho it was a labor of love for Ali, I have fallen in love with our sweet little puppy too.) She has brought a sense of normalcy and joy to our household which as most of you know we have been struggling with pain and difficulty for the last 4 years. She loves people, and wants to kiss everyone right in the face, which us doggy lovers love, but....we are teaching her sit and down, which she already knows now at 11 weeks, and Ali has taught her shake hands all by herself. Well, this is the first post in many months. I need to get active on here, because it is fun, and I have a beautiful family with a beautiful granddaughter and now a puppy and another grandchild on the way!!!!!!!